
Innovation is a key driver of economic and social prosperity. “It boosts economic growth, creates new and better jobs, enables social mobility, fights climate change and improves the overall quality of life. Raising prosperity levels has always been closely associated with the capacity of the economies to create and diffuse innovations.” 1

Digital technologies are transforming the world at an unprecedented speed. “They have changed how we communicate, live and work. They have changed our societies and our economies.”² Moreover, the coronavirus crisis and subsequent lockdowns have shown that access to digital solutions is essential for people and businesses and that more than ever, R&I are key to tackling today’s challenges. Digitalisation creates new opportunities, but also great challenges and call for more cooperation and strong value chains. 

Europe’s digital transformation will depend on collaboration between all stakeholders, supported by effective funding instruments and tools tailored to help deliver rapid, agile innovation to develop semiconductors and key technologies. Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) are at these core of key semiconductor and enabling technologies, providing secure and trusted technologies to strategic value chains. Innovation, along with rapid developments across all ECS-based application areas is creating the foundation for transforming the way we work and live.

As an AENEAS member, you are supported on your way to innovate and make your business grow. AENEAS helps you to find and apply to the best suited collaborative RD&I programmes and funding.

AENEAS also directly operates Penta RD&I programme, designed to catalyse the formation of international collaborative ecosystems aimed to transform technologies. Though designed to be “pre-competitive”, Xecs projects deliver new State-of-the-Art, integrated into systems and services that can be rapidly exploited by all the partners, both for commercial products and to support societal development. Xecs targets National development through International collaboration, delivering a high return on investment for both project partners and the countries who support them.

Watch AENEAS videos here, highlighting the societal and economic impact generated directly or indirectly by the outcomes of PENTA projects:

AENEAS also operates the EUREKA Cluster EURIPIDES², which promotes the generation of innovative, industry-driven, pre-competitive R&D projects in the  Smart Electronic Systems area.

EURIPIDES² operates in an open community of large industries, SMEs, universities, research institutes and user organisations, along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain. EURIPIDES² facilitates access to national funding in Europe and beyond. As an EUREKA Cluster, the network is open to participants worldwide.

EURIPIDES² covers the whole electronic systems integration value chain, from materials, equipment and technologies, components and modules, up to embedded, enmeshed and implanted systems.

Since 2021, AENEAS operates the EUREKA Cluster Xecs dedicated to sustainable digital transformation in Electronic Components and Systems. Xecs runs calls on an annual basis and has now opened its Call 3.

1 ‘Science, research and innovation performance of the EU 2018- Key findings’- by European Commission DG for Research and Innovation
2 ‘A Union that strives for more’ by Ursula van der Leyen- Political guidelines for the next European Commission 2019-2020