ECS SRIA annual edition

Each year, an Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (ECS-SRIA) is developed by more than 300 experts of the ECS community, coordinated by the three industry associations: AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside. It is an open, living and funding-programme agnostic document, reporting the industry objectives, the societal benefits and the strategic advantages for Europe, for the next 10-15 years.


The ECS SRIA describes the major challenges, and the necessary R&D&I efforts to tackle them, in micro-and nanoelectronics for smart systems integration all the way up to embedded and cyber physical systems, and System of Systems. This SRIA is intended to be funding programme agnostic and can be used as a basis for the various cooperative programmes across Europe.

ECS SRIA 2023 amendment

This is the sixth edition of the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (ECS SRIA).

The Electronic Components & Systems (ECS) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) 2023 amendment was published on 7 November 2023 by the three Industry Associations AENEAS, EPoSS, and Inside. 

As part of the Chips Act and the Chips Joint Undertaking launch, the ECS SRIA 2023 amendment aims to better prepare for the next coming Calls for Expression of Interest for the first Pilot Lines and for the Design Platform. 

The amendment includes the identification of the topics of the ECS SRIA related to these two new funding instruments. More specifically, Chapter 2.3 (Architecture and Design – Methods and Tools) has been revised to clarify and highlight the role of the ‘design platforms’ in each of the Major Challenges, as a special cross-cutting key focus area.

The ECS-SRIA 2023 is the reference document for Chips JU Work Programme 2024 and for the EUREKA Clusters (e.g. Xecs), and it can inspire other EU programmes.

ECS SRIA 2024 

This is the final version of the seventh edition of the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (ECS SRIA) released in early February 2024.

This revision was conducted to reflect the most recent technological and strategic trends of our industry and provide support for the European Chips Act, which came into force in September 2023.

In particular, it further builds on the 2023 SRIA amendment, which established links between the SRIA research focus areas and the Design Platform and Pilot Lines which will be implemented as part of the Chips Act. It addresses the irruption and disruption of AI tools in the practices of the ECS community and the digital society at large.

While already present in earlier edition, quantum technologies are getting additional attention in this new edition (Chapter 1.1). This 2024 edition also develops a tighter integration with the research topics identified by the report “RISC-V and Open Source Hardware”, included as an annex, with a number of chapters referring to it. 

On top of these general trends, individual chapters also reflected the latest evolutions: Chapter 1.1. (Process Technology, Equipment, Materials & Manufacturing), introduced quantum sensing technologies and its advantages vs. conventional sensors, and included some quantum computing technologies in its long-term timeline, Chapter 1.2. (Components, Modules & Systems Integration), covers several topics, including lidar, radar and vision integration as well as photonics integration, Chapter 1.3. (Embedded Software and Beyond) introduced discussions on safe and secure programming, as well as the support of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the software development cycle, Chapter 1.4. (System of Systems) pertains to the evolvability and controllability of system of systems, as well as the illustration of the impact of AI and machine learning, and the challenge of inclusion of legacy systems in system of systems. 2.1. Edge Computing & Embedded AI updates mainly focused on AI
accelerators: state of the art, sustainability of edge AI, requirements for execution of generative AI at the edge.

Chapter 2.2. (Connectivity) includes an in-depth presentation of the main frequency bands being considered for 6G, and discusses the synergies with the Design Platform and the Pilot Lines which will be implemented as part of the Chips Act.

Chapter 2.3. (Architecture and Design: Methods and Tools) stresses the topics of virtual verification and validation and of validation of AI-based systems, and in particular, strengthens the research topics in Electronic Design Automation. It also identified links between its research focus areas and the Design Platform. Chapter 2.4. (Quality, Reliability, Safety and Cybersecurity), Major Challenges 4 (Ensuring safety and resilience) and 5 (Human systems integration) have been extensively rewritten.

Regarding the Application chapters, in chapter 3.1. (Mobility), requirements for system-on-chip, linked to the design platform, have been added, the software-defined vehicle chapter was reworked, and green deal requirements for existing mobility fleets were introduced. Chapter 3.2. (Energy) covers the challenges to cope with the Green Deal targets for the transition to a net zero emission society, was assessed and is unchanged. Chapter 3.3. (Digital Industry) is unchanged in its structure and focuses on European manufacturing expected technological evolutions toward sustainability, resilience and sovereignty, while European picture facts and trends have been updated, together with links with main European initiatives. Chapter 3.6. (Digital Society) has been updated to incorporate the advent of AI in general and ChatGPT in particular.

Finally, in chapter 4 (Long-term vision), one subsection has been added on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, as well as one on Quantum Computing.

The  ECS SRIA 2024 is available here.

Download the ECS-SRIA 2024 PDF Version here.

ECS SRIA 2025 Preparation 

Annex 3 to the Report: Roadmap for Future Automotive-driven RISC-V Developments in Europe.

This document was published subsequently to the release of ECS-SRIA 2024; as such, it does not appear as an addendum within the 2024 edition. It is provided for informational purposes and is scheduled to be included as an Annex in the ECS-SRIA 2025 edition.

ECS SRA 2022 structure