
AENEAS advocates for European and National support of Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) in the field of Electronics Components and Systems and more specifically in micro- and nano-electronics-enabled components and systems in order to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry across the electronics value chain. AENEAS advocates for both the topics and funding conditions towards the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council, as well as to National Public Authorities supporting trans-national collaborations.

AENEAS has a proven track record of success in influencing public policy and this is based on two major pillars:

  1. Participating together with the European Commission and Chips JU Participating States, in the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) established under Council Regulation (EU) No 2021/2085 of 21 September, 2023.
    • Co-defining the European Partnership on Key Digital Technologies (KDT), the predecessor of the Chips JU under the new EC Framework Programme 2021-2027 Horizon Europe and participating in the new KDT Joint Undertaking established under Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085 of 19 November 2021
    • Participating, together with the European Commission and ECSEL Participating States, in the ECSEL Joint Undertaking, the predecessor of the KDT JU, established under Council Regulation (EU) No 561/2014 of May 6th, 2014.
  2. Participating, together with EUREKA member and associated countries, in the EUREKA clusters EURIPIDES² and PENTA endorsed by EUREKA under E!9911 on July 1st, 2015 and to the Xecs Cluster, and preparing the future of the Clusters.

1. Chips Joint Undertaking (JU) advocacy

The Chips Joint Undertaking (JU) supports research, development, innovation, and future manufacturing capacities in the European semiconductor ecosystem.

The Chips JU Public-Private Partnership is composed of:

  • Three associations (AENEAS, Inside and EPoSS) representing the private actors from the areas of micro- and nano-electronics, smart integrated systems and embedded and cyber-physical systems,
  • The European Commission,
  • Member States and Associated Countries to the Framework Programme Horizon Europe on a voluntary basis.

Being a part of the Governing Board of the Chips JU, AENEAS has voting rights which allows the Associations to influence the strategic orientation of the Chips Joint Undertaking. AENEAS along with Inside and EPoSS, has the obligation to co-finance the Chips JU office together with the EC. AENEAS invoices financial contributions to its members involved in Chips JU projects, to co-finance the Chips JU office and cover their services.

As an AENEAS member, you receive first-hand information on the latest directions and decisions of the Chips JU. In operational terms, AENEAS informs its members on any new Chips JU calls implementation and provide support to partners with direct support to Project Coordinators.

  • Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership, advocacy

AENEAS, together with 92 European associations, urged the EU Institutions to make RD&I a priority within the next Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 in a Joint Statement.

At EFECS 2019, the three industry associations AENEAS, Inside and EPoSS released a new Joint Statement, calling for several improvements for an even stronger partnership on KDT. Together with EPoSS and INSIDE, AENEAS answered all relevant public consultations launched by the European Commission. The three associations also renewed their memorandum of understanding extending their cooperation to support EUREKA alongside the KDT partnership.

Between September 2019 and November 2021, date of the KDT JU launch , AENEAS was been deeply involved in the co-design of the proposal for the KDT Partnership.  


2. The EUREKA Clusters Xecs, PENTA and EURIPIDES² advocacy

Based on the experience from managing the EUREKA CATRENE Cluster (8 Calls, 51 completed projects), AENEAS now operates the EUREKA Clusters  Xecs, PENTA and EURIPIDES². This includes the strategic direction of the programme together with Call promotion, project evaluation and project monitoring. PENTA and EURIPIDES² have launched their last Call in 2021.

Xecs has launched its first Call on 28 September 2021. With a solid experience in call management, the Xecs team will support you throughout the process: helping you to create your project and consortium; look for partners, submit your proposals and ensure your project reaches its ambitious goals.

Xecs, under AENEAS management, is also a strong supporter of the revitalisation of the EUREKA Clusters under the Eureka Clusters Programme. As highlighted during the 2020/2021 Austrian Chairmanship, the Clusters will be renewed to provide the optimal toolbox for member states and global partners to support a new generation of innovative solutions for the pressing issues faced today and in the future. They will form a leading platform to connect industries, SMEs and knowledge institution that is fit for purpose for the future challenges facing our economy and society.






As an AENEAS member along with the advocacy of ECSEL JU and KDT partnerships, your interests will be represented in the EUREKA  intergovernmental network.