The TARANTO project targets to break the technological barriers to the development of the next BiCMOS technology platforms, allowing the improvement of the performance of the HBT (Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors) with a much higher level of integration. The main technology objectives of this project will be to develop HBTs offering high maximum frequency (Fmax: 600GHz) built into very high density CMOS processes: 130 / 90nm for IFX, 55 / 28nm to ST, while IHP will work on the project to achieve maximum frequencies of 700GHz seeking compatibility with IFX and ST BiCMOS processes. Moreover the consortium will develop the modelling and characterization means necessary to assess those state of the art operating ranges for silicon technologies. Taranto will also demonstrate the capabilities of the technologies through a demonstrators at various levels of the integration chain.
Relevance and Impact
This new generation of fast transistors will be a key factor to meet the needs of high-speed communication systems in the perspective of the 5G deployment in the millimeter wave bands, and within the Internet infrastructures. More generally, Taranto technologies will enable the high data rates required for the integration of heterogeneous intelligent systems as well as for intelligent and automated mobility systems. The project consortium gathers the main European players in the value chain for these very high frequency applications, from laboratories to industrial users, thus ensuring the highest scientific level and the ability to validate the work carried out on appropriate demonstrators.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing for ECS

ECSEL Call 2017
Start date: 04/2017
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 33
Number of countries: 6
Total investment: M€ 43