The ECSEL Joint Undertaking offers funding for Research, Development and Innovation projects with unparalleled systemic and strategic impact for smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
One of the main objectives is to ensure the availability of electronic components and systems for key markets and for addressing societal challenges, keeping Europe at the forefront of technology development, bridging the gap between research and exploitation, strengthening innovation capabilities and creating economic and employment growth in the Union.
It also aligns strategies with Member States to attract private investment and thus grow semiconductor and smart system manufacturing.
Impact assessment
Impact on Europe’s business and on society for the greater good of both is the core of the ECSEL Joint Undertaking programme. At the request of the ECSEL JU Governing Board, Deloitte and VVA recently published updated reports in which the focus lay mainly on the direct impact and benefits for project participants.
The stakeholder’s impact assessment of the ECSEL JU programme goes beyond this somewhat narrow scope to examine the broader impact and socio-economic value of RD&I programmes as championed by ECSEL JU, including several high-level evaluations and tangible examples. This impact lives and breathes in every conceivable aspect of our lives: in domestic appliances, infotainment, industrial processes, logistics, smart infrastructure, energy, mobility, aerospace, and healthcare, to name just a few.
To see the full Stakeholder’s impact assessment of the ECSEL JU programme, please click here.
Strategic areas
Smart Mobility -
Smart Society -
Smart Energy -
Smart Health -
Smart Production
Design Technology -
Cyber-Physical Systems -
Smart Systems Integration -
Semiconductor Process, Equipment, Materials

ECSEL JU has launched on 5 Feb 2020, its last Call
ECSEL JU Contacts
White Atrium Building
Avenue de la Toison d’Or 56-60
1060 Brussels – Belgium
+32 2 221 81 02 -
Public authority contact
National Contact Points for the ECSEL JU can be found in Annex 5 of the Annual Work Plan and Budget.