ECSEL JU Project RobustSENSE

RobustSENSE develops a robust and reliable sensor platform for automated and autonomous driving. This platform overcomes the present problem of environmental perception systems failing in adverse conditions, and provides enhanced sensing performance. Such an improved platform is needed to achieve the necessary reliability of automated and autonomous driving functions for safe operation under all driving conditions

RobustSENSE will considerably strengthen Europe’s position in the worldwide race towards autonomous vehicles by addressing precisely these sensorial shortcomings which at present make it impossible to provide reliable systems for automated and autonomous driving. These must support their user when support is needed most, namely while driving under adverse weather and light conditions.

ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Transport and Smart Mobility

ECSEL Call 2015

Start date: 06/2015

Duration: 36 months

Project coordinator:

Werner Ritter

Daimler AG


Number of partners: 15

Number of countries: 4

Total investment: M€ 10.74

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