Productive4.0 is an ambitious holistic project addressing all domains of the Digital Industry, thus comprising the complete range of Industry 4.0. The consortium consists of over 100 partners and specialists which range amongst the best in Europe. The project is based on an efficient interaction between the different work packages. The inputs of all partners with their specific roles will be clustered. Results will be delivered according to a rules descriptions and roadmaps. Over a period of three years and two innovation cycles the different activities of the entire project will be synchronized by eight milestones. A final review will round up the whole project. The Productive4.0 innovation project will open the gate to the potentials of Digital Industry. Means of electronics and ICT across the entire value chain will be the key to enhanced production efficiency and significant gains. They will make production more predictable and flexible, change business models, and be the basis for more qualified employment. The digital transformation will be indispensable for maintaining a leadership position of the industries in Europe.
Productive4.0 tackles theoretical and conceptual approaches in the field of Industry 4.0, also known as Digital Industry. According to our definition, the term comprises IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), CPS (Cyber Physical Systems) and Automation. The innovation project takes a step further towards hands-on solutions. It focuses on practical implementations involving pilot lines, test beds, zones of full scale testing in all industries which are relevant in Europe. In the process, reference implementations such as 3D printerfarms, customized production or self-learning robot systems will benefit from specific technological and conceptual approaches in fields like service-oriented architecture (SOA), IOT components & infrastructures, process virtualisation or standardisation.
Most important, the implementation will consistently focus on the three pillars digital production (DP), supply chain networks (SCN) and the entire product lifecycle management (PLM), all of which interact and influence each other.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Digital Industry

ECSEL Call 2017
Start date: 05/2017
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 109
Number of countries: 19
Total investment: M€ 106