The “Pilot Line for Micro-Transfer-Printing of Functional Components on Wafer Level” project (MICROPRINCE) is focused on creation of a pilot line for micro-transfer-printing (µTP) of functional components like processed III/V devices, optical filters, and special sensors. Several EU and national research activities demonstrated successfully the feasibility of µTP technology in a scientific and laboratory environment. The MICROPRINCE consortia has the goal to set up the first worldwide open access foundry pilot for heterogeneous integration by µTP and to demonstrate its capability on five defined target application scenarios:
- µTP for special magnetic sensors
- µTP of optical filters on photosensitive sensors
- µTP for silicon photonics
- µTP for LED devices
- µTP for life science applications
The consortia consisting of 13 industrial and scientific partners from four different countries combine their expertise along the value chain from materials and equipment, technology and semiconductor processing, integrated circuit and system design, test and application to create a new industrial smart system manufacturing capability in Europe. MICROPRINCE is an excellent project to bridge the gap between research activities and industrial exploitation for innovative smart system integration for future key applications and markets in different sectors. This contributes significantly to the continued development of a strong and competitive electronic component and systems (ECS) industry in the European Union.
MICROPRINCE will improve the competitiveness of industrial small, medium and large enterprises and strengthen the position of research institutes. This will influence the long- and medium-term position in key markets leading to economic and employment growth in the European Union. The MICROPRINCE pilot line is acting as a regional and nationwide competence cluster for a novel technology with European dimensions for heterogeneous system integration and supports the ECS industry to reach leadership in key technologies.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Digital Industry

ECSEL Call 2017
Start date: 04/2017
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 13
Number of countries: 4
Total investment: M€ 14.5