The goal of the InForMed project is to establish an integrated pilot line for medical devices. The pilot line includes micro-fabrication, assembly and even the fabrication of smart catheters. The heart of this chain is the micro-fabrication and assembly facility of Philips Innovation Services, which will be qualified for small/medium-scale production of medical devices. The pilot facility will be open to other users for pilot production and product validation. It is the aim of the pilot line: to safeguard and consolidate Europe’s strong position in “traditional” medical diagnostic equipment, to enable emerging markets – especially in smart minimally invasive instruments and point-of-care diagnostic equipment – and to stimulate the development of entirely new markets, by providing an industrial micro-fabrication and assembly facility where new materials can be processed and assembled. The pilot line will be integrated in a complete innovation value chain from technology concept to high-volume production and system qualification. Protocols will be developed to ensure an efficient technology transfer between the different links in the value chain. Six challenging demonstrators products will be realized that address societal challenges in: “Hospital and Heuristic Care” and “Home care and well-being,” and demonstrate the trend towards “Smart Health” solutions.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing for ECS

Digital Industry

Health and Well-Being

ECSEL Call 2015
Start date: 06/2015
Duration: 36 months
Project coordinator:
Sieger Swaving
Philips Electronics Nederland B.V.
The Netherlands
Number of partners: 39
Number of countries: 10
Total investment: M€ 58.02