The goal of EnSO is to develop and consolidate a unique European ecosystem in the field of Autonomous Micro Energy Sources (AMES), enabling European Electronic industries to develop innovative products, in particular for the “Internet of Things” (IoT) markets.
EnSO objectives are to:
- Develop high reliability assembly technologies of shapeable/customisable micro batteries, energy harvester and power management building blocks
- Develop and demonstrate a high density, low profile, shapeable/customisable, long life time rechargeable micro battery product family.
- Develop customizable smart-recharge and energy-harvesting technologies for enabling AMES.
- Demonstrate an EnSO Pilot Line capability, and investigate and assess the upscale of AMES manufacturing for competitive very high volume production.
- Demonstrate the competitiveness of EnSO energy solutions of the targeted Smart Society, Smart Health, and Smart Energy applications
- Disseminate EnSO energy solutions to foster the take-up of emerging markets.
As an ECSEL Innovation Action, EnSO’s work addresses the market replication, demonstration and technological introduction activities. The ENSo ecosystem will involve all of the value chain – from key materials and tools to many demonstrators in different fields of application.
EnSO will bring innovative energy solutions to market, inducing definitive differentiation for electronic smart systems based on customizable, Generic building block technologies. EnSO innovations, in terms of advanced materials, advanced equipment and multi-physics co-design of heterogeneous smart systems, will contribute to the Semiconductor Process, Equipment and Materials thrust.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing for ECS

Transport and Smart Mobility

Health and Well-Being

Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration

Digital Life

Digital Industry

ECSEL Call 2015
Start date: 01/2016
Duration: 48 months
Number of partners: 42
Number of countries: 8
Total investment: M€ 19