Highly automated systems help to solve many societal challenges but can be costly to develop, test and certify for safe use. ENABLE S3 will lead to a significant time and cost reduction for the validation process across 6 industrial domains: automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime, as well as the health care and farming sectors.
Highly automated systems help to solve many societal challenges. In transport, they can significantly increase safety by avoiding human errors, to improve efficiency, and especially to significantly reduce emissions in mobility applications. Automated driving can help to face the challenges posed by aging society by enabling handicapped or elderly people to participate in social life. Autonomous aerial vehicles help to identify environmental problems and automated ground traffic for airports prevent accidents. Diagnosis or treatment in the health care domain will be cheaper and allow for faster and higher quality thanks to automated medical applications. They will also help to support high quality medical diagnostics and surgery, and assist in long-term patient care. However, validation procedures of highly automated systems in the transport industry are extremely time-consuming and costly.
ENABLE S3 will lead to a significant time and cost reduction for the validation process across 6 industrial domains: automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime, as well as the health care and farming sectors. Thanks to virtual environments testing, the project will also lead to increased functionality, safety and security of automated and autonomous systems by raising the level of dependability and minimizing the risk of design or implementation faults. The resulting validation framework will ensure European competitiveness in the global race for automated systems, with an expected market potential of €60bn by 2025. Virtual testing, verification and coverage-oriented test selection methods will promote and extend existing standards. The project results will eventually be used to propose new standardized validation procedures for highly automated systems (ACPS).
The project is strongly industry-driven. Several representative use-cases from smart mobility and smart health will define the requirements to be addressed in the project and will assess the benefits of the technological progress achieved in the project. All validation methods and tools will be developed to fulfill the requirements of real, relevant industrial use-cases.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Connectivity and Interoperability

Transport and Smart Mobility

Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration

Health and Well-Being

ECSEL Call 2016
Start date: 05/2016
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 71
Number of countries: 16
Total investment: M€ 16.2