The rise of LED technology is changing the ecosystem of the lighting industry. Delphi4LED responds to these changes by providing the EU LED Lighting industry with a set of tools and standards enabling the design and production of more reliable, cost effective and market leading LED based lighting solutions. This will boost the market for integrated, smart lighting solutions and give Europe the opportunity to outpace the global competition.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting products are overtaking the market rapidly. In fact, next generation solutions foresee a complete replacement of regular light bulbs with LED solid-state lighting. This technology presents a whole range of advantages over the traditional solutions, with greater energy efficiency being the crucial improvement. LEDs enable significant reductions in CO2 emissions and energy consumption, which is critical since 88% of lighting costs are energy related. Their improved durability and longer lifetime, increased environmental friendliness, digital controllability, smaller size, lower heat output and easier control with digital electronics presents new product innovation possibilities for system integration and application.
The European lighting industry is facing several challenges due to this technological shift. The adoption of LED by the lighting industry transfers the market and the supply chain boundaries, essentially dominated by European companies, to a perfect competition industry, where worldwide based players from other industries than LEDs (e.g. sensors & controls, ICT) are joining. In the new LED ecosystem the value chain belongs to two different industries: the semiconductor industry and the lighting industry. Those two industries are working separately, often doing double work and not deriving and exchanging design critical parameters on a common basis. This makes the process very inefficient. To regain a leading position, the European Lighting industry has to address this communication gap, together with both product price and reliability of LED-based lighting solutions.
Delphi4LED provides an answer to this market transition by combining the competitive lighting knowledge base in Europe with new paradigms and corresponding solutions to the product creation process, particularly easing the early development phase by the standardization of (yet non-existing) compact LED models for design and simulation. Combining these models together with models of other electronic and mechanical components will allow unifying the computer based design environment for integrated lighting products.
Bridging the design gaps between different players in the Solid State Lighting (SSL) chain helps speed up development and allows for an increase in the accuracy of prediction of final product performance, without the need of building physical prototypes. In return, this will result in a much lower price of the final LED solutions, and an extra room for creativity in systems and end-user products.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration

Digital Industry


ECSEL Call 2016
Start date: 06/2016
Duration: 36 months
Project coordinator:
Genevieve Martin
Philips Lighting B.V.
The Netherlands
Number of partners: 15
Number of countries: 7
Total investment: M€ 2.7