CONNECT aims to research, design, develop and showcase novel solutions for efficient devices and components of the future smart grid, in order to reduce the peak power demand by at least a factor of two. The solutions will include techniques for the reduction of power fluctuations of the grid over time and for reduction of power consumption and losses.
CONNECT works on smart grid solutions for buildings, cooperation of buildings and local micro-grids at the low voltage supply level (yellow) up to the connection point to medium voltage distribution level (orange) including communication infrastructure (aquamarine).

Significant enhancements are needed in the three smart energy focus research areas for electronic components and systems determined by the ECSEL MASP in order to meet the targets of the new “2030 Framework for climate and energy” adopted by the EU countries. CONNECT addresses all areas:
- Sustainable power generation and energy conversion by research on highly efficient converters which facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) and local storage
- Reduction of energy consumption by activities on secure sensor networks and efficiency improvements
- Efficient community energy management by work on smart solutions incorporating demand and supply
The competitiveness of the European industry is strengthened along the complete value chain covered by the CONNECT partners, i.e. from device to system level and services – in particular in the areas of innovative power electronics, sensors and sensor networks including powerful communication and security solutions and in the area of energy management.
Product enhancements for manifold applications for worldwide markets such as RES, building automation / Smart Home and EV infrastructure will be enabled. The society will benefit from reduced greenhouse gas emissions and become less dependent on traditional energy sources.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:


ECSEL Call 2017
Start date: 04/2017
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 19
Number of countries: 5
Total investment: M€ 19.9