3Ccar addresses the ever growing complexity in mobility systems, especially in Electrified Vehicles (EV). Complexity control and reduction, translated into highly innovative semiconductors, enable improved energy efficiency, while enhanced systems integration leads to significant cost reduction, all enabling widespread EV deployment. Highly reliable electronic active safety systems contribute to Safety in Traffic (“Zero Accident Driving”), while cooperative traffic management systems will contribute towards congestion-free traffic.
With the commitment of 48 partners, including major European semiconductor suppliers and two major car manufacturers, and according to its mission “3C”, 3Ccar will provide novel, Integrated Components for Complexity Control for the automotive and aviation domains.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing for ECS

Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration

Connectivity and Interoperability

Transport and Smart Mobility

ECSEL Call 2015
Start date: 06/2015
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 49
Number of countries: 14
Total investment: M€ 60.96