Energy ECS – Smart and secure energy solutions for future mobility – will focus on the interface of energy and mobility. Central for today’s society, these two sectors are facing a restructuring of value chains and business logic that enable new business models and ecosystems.
The project concept builds on six use cases and related technology building blocks. The use cases focus on different charging technologies and opportunities, grid stability responding to bi-directional charging, energy independent intermodal transport, enablers of autonomous driving as well as electric vehicles as service providers. The technology developments respond to a long list of MASP major challenges and include for example battery charging electronics, grid and sensor power management, energy harvesting, real time location controls and sensors. The R&D will also take advantage of artificial intelligence, machine learning, immersive technologies, Internet of Things, ultra-low power technologies, advanced algorithms and software, as well as state of the art hardware integration. All technologies will be designed for cyber-security and reliability.
The complementary capabilities of different consortium partners will secure R&D results that lead to a higher competitiveness of them all. By 2030, the project is expected to generate an increased turnover of 700 M€, increased market share and/or market leadership for 20 partners, 100+ new collaborations, 200+ new jobs and 10+ M€ of additional investments. The consortium, half of who are SMEs, forms a squad of challengers, agile and hungry to grasp the huge business opportunities that emerge in the convergence of the two sectors, supported by large companies fostering the immediate business volume, and carefully selected RTOs. The consortium nucleates a new ecosystem of strongly interlinked value networks, the impact towards European competitiveness, growth and innovation capabilities ranging far beyond 2030.

ECSEL Call 2020
Start date: 06/2021
Number of partners: 30
Number of countries: 8
Total investment: M€ 33