The “Chips for Europe” Chips JU Event, held in Brussels on 30 November- 01 December 2023, gathered more than 800 participants (both in person and online) to mark the official inauguration of the Chips Joint Undertaking, insightful discussions, and networking. During this event, four calls for Pilot Lines were opened, as well as the first calls for the virtual Design Platform were announced to be opened in early 2024. Read our summary of the event and most important highlights in the “Pilot Lines and Design Platform announced at the Chips JU Launch Event – Chips for Europe” article.
The first day included high-level discussions (on “EU strategic autonomy and economic security”, as well as “Maintaining and boosting European technology leadership”) and networking opportunities (during the “Walk of Fame” exhibition of successful KDT JU projects). A series of introductory speeches and panel discussions featuring CEOs, CTOs, and other high-level Public Authorities illuminated the multifaceted challenges and opportunities in chip technologies and in the overall electronic components and systems sector. EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, spoke of Europe’s ambitions to be an industry front-runner, with capabilities in advanced technologies as well as in existing strengths.
Day two shifted focus to the Chips for Europe Initiative, revealing its multifaceted nature through detailed presentations and discussions. The audience had the opportunity to get into topics like advanced pilot lines, competence centers, cutting-edge quantum chips