Xecs is a Cluster under the Eureka Clusters Programme (ECP). Xecs focuses on the Electronic Components & Systems (ECS) and applications and encourages collaborative innovation beyond the state-of-the-art, stimulates growth and helps create a better life for all of us by driving a sustainable digital transformation.
Xecs objectives
Xecs is a Eureka Cluster specifically designed to accelerate the pace of sustainable industrial innovation in the ECS community. The intent of Xecs is to create an ambitious international collaboration programme that will result in high levels of societal and economic impact for all those who participate in a Xecs project.
RD&I areas
Guided by the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (ECS-SRIA) prepared by experts gathered by the 3 Industry Associations AENEAS, Inside and EPoSS, Xecs launches Calls addressing the full value chain of ECS and benefits from the wide dynamic innovation ecosystem stimulated by these industry associations. Calls can be submitted in any area of the ECS-SRIA.
Innovation ecosystems
Xecs works by catalysing the formation of innovation “ecosystems” along the ECS value chain. Projects capitalise on contributions from all elements of the RD&I sector – be they Large Enterprises, SME’s, Research and Technology Organisations or Universities. By participating in a Xecs projects, all partners are expected to not only advance the state of the art, but also materially benefit through the exploitation of the technology advances and related applications and services.
Xecs Calls
Xecs yearly Call
Xecs opens its Call 4 in early June 2024, followed by the Xecs Matchmaking Event in Hamburg, Germany, on 15 October 2024. More information about the event, registration and programme here.
More information about this call and timelines here.

Xecs Call 4 opens on 4 June 2024.
PO submission deadline: 23 January 2025, 17:00 CET in the Project Zone.
FPP submission: 16 April 2025.
Xecs Contacts
44 Rue Cambronne
75 015 Paris
+33 1 40 64 45 60 -
Public authority contact
You are invited to contact the representative of your national funding body here.