MADEin4 project is a comprehensive Industry 4.0 ECS equipment and manufacturing framework that aims at developing ECS next generation metrology tools, machine learning methods and applications to support Industry 4.0 high volume manufacturing (HVM) of both the Semiconductors and Automotive industries.
The metrology role in the ECS integrated circuit (IC) fabs is of the most challenging form, as it measures on silicon wafers down to a nanometric scale 2D and 3D features with angstrom levels precision and accuracy. In addition, the metrology role is continuously increasing for other highly complex industrial sectors as automotive.
MADEin4 will address these challenges by concentrating on developing next generation metrology tools for the ECS IC industry which will focus on higher productivity and connectedness to its environment (Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)), and developing new tools and methods to combine in an intelligent way, for both ECS and Automotive industries, the large amount of metrology data which are or will become available, with design, process and tools data to both enhance productivity as well as predictability of the production processes.
MADEin4 is expected to strengthen the EU’s ECS and Automotive industries and will have a significant positive impact on the EU zone economy.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration

Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing for ECS

ECSEL Call 2018
Start date: 04/2019
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 47
Number of countries: 16
Total investment: M€29