In recent years, Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) technologies have become a game changer in strategic sectors such as Automotive, Energy and Industry Automation, where Europe is a world leader. In fact, CPS is a key driver for the innovation capacity of European industries, large and small, generating economic growth and supporting meaningful jobs for citizens. CPS4EU aims to arm Europe with extensive value chain across key sectors by:
- Strengthening CPS Technology providers, mainly European SMEs, to increase their market share and their competitiveness to become world leaders
- Improve design efficiency and productivity and enable secure certification
- Enabling the creation of innovative European CPS products that will strengthen the leadership and competitiveness of Europe by both large groups and SMEs
- Large Dissemination of CPS technologies.
To achieve these goals CPS4EU will:
- Develop 4 key enabling technologies (computing, connectivity, sensing, cooperative systems)
- Incorporate these CPS modules through pre-integrated architectures and design tools
- Instantiate these architectures in dedicated use cases from strategic application: automotive, smart grid and industry automation
- Improve CPS awareness and usage for all industrial sectors CPS4EU gathers major large companies (BMW, VALEO, THALES, TRUMPF, RTE, ABENGOA,
LEONARDO, and SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC), a large set of innovative SMEs and world-class research centres (FHG, CEA, DLR, INRIA, KIT, CNRS) to significantly reduce the development time and certification efforts through pan European collaboration, knowledge exchange and access to the strong value chain in strategic markets
CPS4EU builds on a strong foundation in European and national initiatives. It will enable the European industry to lead strategic markets thanks to high level sharing of CPS technologies across sectors all along the value chain.
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

ECSEL Call 2018
Start date: 07/2019
Duration: 36 months
Number of partners: 36
Number of countries: 5
Total investment: M€ 53