The Arrowhead Tools project aims for digitalisation and automation solutions for the European industry, which will close the gaps that hinder the IT/OT integration by introducing new technologies in an open source platform for the design and run-time engineering of IoT and System of Systems.
This in the response to identified technology and competence GAP’s as indicated in the Figure below.

The concept of Arrowhead Tools based on identified needs for establishing Digital industry. This will require an integration platform enabling seamless interoperability, engineering tools and tools chains enabling integration of legacy operational technology (OT) with new IoT and SoS technology enabling our future automation and digitalisation solutions. Obviously relevant personnel competence is a key for general industrial usage.
These gaps will be addressed by four major components of the Arrowhead Tools concept:
- Provision of a mature service integration platform providing extensive interoperability between IoT services and legacy technology together with management capabilities for dynamic configuration and orchestration of System of Systems solutions.
- Provision of efficient procedures, tools and integrated tool chains for engineering, operational management, maintenance and evolution of service platform based digitalisation and automation solutions in both design time and run time.
- Provision of training material (HW and SW) for upgrading of industry personnel
- Feasibility verification of above procedures, technologies and materials through demonstrations in a wide range of applications use cases, each with clearly identified exploitation potential.

The networked society is expected to provide a number of societal benefit regarding e.g. production efficiency, energy efficiency, transportation efficiency, environmental footprint (curtesy of Infineon AG).
The Arrowhead Tools consortia is industry driven and dominated, 33 large enterprises, 24 SME’s with the support of 31 RTO’s. In total 104M€ is invested by the industry (46%), 17 EU countries (30%) and the
European commission (24%), with the joint ambition to improve Europes competitiveness in automation and digitalisation engineering.
A successful execution of the Arrowhead Tools concept and approach is expected to impact to the overall engineering cost for digitalisation and automation solutions. Such solutions will impact our society in a way where more and more of our society seamlessly is sharing information for benefit of e.g. production efficiency, energy efficiency, transportation efficiency, environmental footprint, cf. Figure above Business with
signicant contribution to this networked information society is to a large extend Software and Software Based Services. The overall SSBS market current growth is 2.9% – resulting in a market size of nearly EUR 290 billion by 2020. European SSBS market growth is behind major competitors like US and India. It’s expected that Arrowhead Tools will impact both the global growth rate and the European competitive
ECS Strategic Research Agenda focus areas:

Systems and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration

Process, Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing for ECS

ECSEL Call 2018
Start date: 05/2019
Duration: 36 months
Project coordinator:
Jerker Delsing
Number of partners: 80
Number of countries: 18
Total investment: M€ 90