Electronic components and systems, and micro- and nanoelectronics-based systems and applications, are now the cornerstone of economic and societal development. To keep ahead in European and global markets, a solid understanding of rapidly changing needs, together with the establishment of innovation and exploitation ecosystems involving all relevant stakeholders, is essential.
Being part of collaborative RD&I projects provides partners with more resources and manpower, expedites workflows, as well as helps to save costs and reduce risks.
The EC and Eureka Clusters funding programmes require a consortium to be formed with partners from different countries and include representatives from large enterprises, SMEs, research institutes and universities.
There are mechanisms in place to facilitate building consortia: networking brokerage events and specific national events (organized by national public authorities points), online marketplaces and tools to search for partners with the requisite skills and to build winning consortia. In this context, AENEAS is providing unparalleled networking opportunities, policy influence and supported access to funding to its members by promoting collaborative RD&I.
Networking Events
AENEAS co-organises and participates in several events every year that incite the building partnerships along the Electronics Value Chain, for the benefit of the ECS community.
The main objective of such events is to gather all the relevant stakeholders intending to apply for funding in the Horizon Europe, Chips JU and Xecs Eureka Cluster Calls. Such events are open to all the representatives from the ECS Value Chain while AENEAS, Inside and EPoSS members profit from the free or reduced participation fees.
ECS Brokerage
The 2024 edition of ECS Brokerage Event, co-organised by AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside Industry Associations will take place in Brussels on 20-21 February 2024.
For the latest list of events, see our events calendar.
ECS Collaboration Tool
The ECS Collaboration Tool is a networking tool, jointly created by AENEAS and Inside Industry Associations, open to all experts in Electronic Components and Systems and available 24/7. This Tool offers you the opportunity to initiate projects and invite partners, use the messaging system, look for partners or others’ project ideas in order to build and/ or reinforce your consortia.
After forming consortia, project teams can assess the best mechanism for funding support for their project, be it a National, Chips JU, European Commission or EUREKA type funding.
Register in the ECS Collaboration Tool to:

Create a project idea
Initiate a project idea in the ECS Collaboration Tool, invite partners and browse other project ideas.

Look for a partner
Use the partner search on ECS Collaboration Tool to look for possible partners based on their expertise and invite them to join your project idea.

Look for other project ideas
Browse through the ECS Collaboration Tool to find project ideas and send out a online request to join in a consortium.

Message Board – Get noticed even more!
Leave a message on the message board for possible partners or interesting ideas.