Shaping Tomorrow’s Innovators: Highlights from the 2024 ECS Summer School

26 Aug 2024

The 2024 ECS Summer School “Fascinating Electronics for a Cool World” was held from August 18th to 23rd 2024 at the University Residential Centre of the University of Bologna in Bertinoro, Italy. This picturesque location, renowned for its historic charm and scenic landscapes, provided an inspiring backdrop for a week filled with learning, innovation, and collaboration.

This second edition of the ECS Summer School, co-organised by AENEAS, EPoSS, Inside Industry Associations and the European Chips Skills Academy Project, brought together 40 talented undergraduate STEM students from across Europe. This event offered a deep dive into the world of microelectronics, covering topics from semiconductor technology to integrated circuit design, digital systems, embedded intelligence, and system integration. Over the course of the week, participants were treated to a series of lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on activities led by experts from leading universities, research institutes, and companies.

Day 1: Exploring the World of Technology

The Summer School kicked off with a strong focus on technology, starting with a keynote by Patrick Cogez from AENEAS. The day’s sessions included a fascinating lecture on Moore’s Law by Frans List from ASML and a detailed exploration of semiconductor nanofabrication led by Yannick Le Tiec from CEA-Leti. The day was rounded out with dynamic demonstrations by CEA-Leti and Lynred, followed by a relaxing tour of the Bertinoro castle and village, which allowed participants to network and build lasting friendships.

Day 2: Integrated Circuits Design

The second day delved into the intricacies of Integrated Circuits (IC) design, beginning with a historical testimony by legendary Bruno Murari. Industry leaders such as Alberto Dabusti and Alessandro Portesan from Infineon Technologies, and academics like Rinaldo Castello from the University of Pavia, shared their insights on topics ranging from power IC design to radiofrequency circuits. The day also featured interactive demonstrations, allowing students to engage directly with the technology they were learning about and ended up with an engaging debate on AI, moderated by Patricia Jaspers from Eindhoven University of Technology.

Day 3: Integration and Beyond

Day three was all about integration, with lectures covering cutting-edge MEMS technologies, advanced packaging techniques, and the future of sensor networks. Highlights included sessions by Fabian Stammler from Bosch, Marcus Voitel from Fraunhofer IZM, and Anna Krzyzanowska from the Danish Technological Institute. The day concluded with a series of hands-on demonstrations, solidifying the practical application of the theoretical knowledge gained.

Day 4: Digital Systems, Embedded Intelligence, and Celebrations

On the fourth day, students explored digital systems and embedded intelligence. The day began with an introduction by Paolo Azzoni from Inside Industry Association, followed by an engaging session on Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems. Students also participated in hands-on activities, including building their own weather stations and experimenting with embedded AI using ARM technologies.

The day ended on a high note with a wine tasting tour through Bertinoro, followed by a gala dinner. During the dinner, special recognition was given to Andra-Ioana Bornea from the Technical University of Cluj Napoca, a participant of the first edition of the ECS Summer School in 2023. She was awarded for her invaluable contributions to the organization of the summer school and for her efforts in inspiring her fellow generation.

Day 5: Wrap-Up and Graduation

The final day of the Summer School was a celebration of the week’s achievements. It featured inspiring career testimonies and group project presentations, allowing students to share their experiences and what they had learned. The week concluded with a graduation ceremony, where Laith Altimime, President of SEMI Europe, delivered closing remarks, congratulating the students on their hard work and dedication.

Looking Ahead: The Journey Continues

The 2024 ECS Summer School was more than just an academic event; it was a journey of discovery and connection. The students, speakers, and organizers all contributed to an atmosphere of collaboration and innovation that will resonate far beyond the picturesque hills of Bertinoro. As the participants return to their respective universities and careers, they carry with them not only new knowledge but also lasting friendships and a deeper appreciation for the fascinating world of microelectronics.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the speakers, co-organizers, and especially the students who made this event a success. We look forward to seeing how these future innovators will shape the world of electronics in the years to come.

Stay tuned for the next edition of the ECS Summer School in 2025, where the journey of learning and innovation will continue!

More about the 2024 ECS Summer School here.