South Korea-EU Semiconductor Researchers Forum

25 - 26 Mar 2024

In a landmark move to bolster digital collaboration and fortify economic robustness, South Korea and the European Commission forged the Korea-EU Digital Partnership in June 2023. This strategic alliance is set to inaugurate its first major collaborative initiative with the Korea-EU Semiconductor Researchers Forum slated for March 25-26, 2024, in Brussels.

The forum’s proceedings will commence with an opening note by South Korea’s Minister of Science and ICT, Mr. Lee Jong Ho, followed by an introduction from Mrs. Lucilla Sioli, Director of CONNECT A, alongside Mr. Jari Kinaret, Executive Director of Chips JU, signifying a unified start to the event.

Structured to facilitate in-depth discussion and knowledge sharing, the two-day event will encompass a variety of sessions aimed at driving advancements and innovation in the semiconductor sector.

The agenda includes a Policy Session focused on overarching regulatory and strategic frameworks, followed by specialized sessions covering topics such as Advanced Functionalities, Heterogeneous Integration & Packaging, Advanced Logic and Memories, and Neuromorphic Computing. Additionally, the forum will provide a platform for young researchers through dedicated sessions, and a poster session, offering opportunities for emerging talents to showcase their work and contribute to the evolving landscape of semiconductor technology.

This gathering underscores the commitment of both South Korea and the European Union to enhancing their partnership and setting a precedent for future cooperation in the digital and technological arenas.

More information about this event here.