ICOS (International Cooperation on Semiconductors) at the “Chips for Europe” Chips JU Launch Event

28 Nov 2023

If you are attending the Chips JU Launch event in Brussels on 30 November – 1 December 2023, then don’t miss this opportunity to hear more about the challenges and future directions from ICOS-International Cooperation On Semiconductors Project Coordinator Francis Balestra, SINANO Institute, during the dedicated Panel Discussion.

This penal session will take place on day 2 “Chips for Europe Initiative”, 1 December, from  13:50 to 14:50 PM

Discover more information about the panelist and speakers in the programme here: https://www.chipsjulaunchevent.eu/

ICOS project aims to support the growth of the European Semiconductor and Semiconductor-based photonics industry, through focused international research cooperation. This project will play a significant role in helping our continent regain sovereignty and leadership in the domain, in line with the objectives set out by the European Chips Act.

AENEAS is a partner of AENEAS of the ICOS  – International Cooperation on Semiconductors project consortium.

More about this project here.