Companies and research organisations from ECS and adjacent technology fields are invited to participate in the European Quantum Technology Conference

14 Sep 2023

EQTC2023_programme_bannerThe European Quantum Technology Conference (EQTC) 2023, organised by Quantum Flagship and Quantum Valley Lower Saxony and supported by the European Comission, will take place on 16-20 October in Hannover, Germany.

The EQTC 2023 will gather more than 700 key figures from science, policy, industry, startups and emerging talents; main programme will include more than 120 talks, 40 sessions and 40 exhibitors, as well as special features: Innovation tours, EU strategy and funding overview, community and networking events, science & tech deep dives, expo & poster areas.

For this year edition, the organisers are encouraging not only quantum-focus entities but also companies and research organisations from Electronic Components and Systems and other  adjacent technology fields.

Do you consider attending to discover the RD&I collaborative opportunities? Get your ticket with 10% off using the code EQTC-AENEAS  for the official biennial conference of the Quantum Flagship here: The code has to be applied during the checkout process and is valid for all ticket categories by 20 September 2023.

More about the event, agenda and registration here.


Every two years, the Quantum Flagship gathers the major European research and innovation networks at the European Quantum Technology Conference (EQTC). The event will feature all scientific and technology pillars of the Quantum Flagship and the European ecosystem as well as select global developments.