The PAB of KDT JU selected the KDT Calls 2022 project proposals retained for funding

19 Dec 2022

The Public Authorities Board of the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking has adopted the selection of project proposals retained for funding following KDT Calls 2022 and the allocation of funding.

According to this document, 27 Full Project Proposals were submitted in response to these Calls, out of which 24 satisfied the eligibility criteria for proposals. The 24 proposals were evaluated by independent experts in accordance with the KDT evaluation and selection procedures related to Calls for proposals, under the coordination of the KDT JU. 21 proposals reached the evaluation thresholds and were included in the “above threshold” list (ranked list with scores). Among them: 6 projects under the IA-T1 Call (AIMS5.0, ALL2GaN, 14AMI, Arrowhead FPVN, DigiSHOC, Digital Mirror), 1 project under IA-FT2 Call (photonixFAB), 1 project under IA-FT3 Call (ISOLDE), 11 projects under RIA-T1 Call (NerveRepack, ARCHIMEDES, NEUROKIT2E, R-PODID, EcoMobility, LoLiPoP IoT, Resilient Trust, PRECIOUS, ADAWORK, MATISSE, DOMES) and 2 projects under RIA-FT2 Call (SUSTRONICS, EECONE).

12 proposals should be selected for possible financing within the maximum public funding allocated while 3 proposals should be put on the reserve list.

The PAB ranking takes into account the points resulting from the total scores of the evaluation by experts and the level of synergy of the proposed work with EU and national R&D&I policies.

The full document with the lists of the ranked projects proposals and projects proposals retained for funding is available at the KDT JU website here.