Calls for proposals on 6G and foundational connectivity technologies

06 Jul 2021

The Cluster 4 Digital, industry and Space Work Programme has now been published

Based on the publication of Cluster 4 work programme, COREnect consortium partners out of which AENEAS Members, are invited to consider of addressing the following calls.

To read the full Cluster 4 Work Programme, please click here.


        European Enabling technologies for Beyond 5G/6G RAN disaggregated architectures

  • Research and Innovation Actions
  • TRL 2-3 and achieve TRL 4-5 by the end of the project
  • Expected outcomes:
    •  Availability of European capabilities for enabling hardware, computing, signal processing technologies for beyond 5G (B5G) and future 6G infrastructures in the context of disaggregated, virtualized networks, for both small cell networks and cloud-based macro RANs.
    • Availability of European capabilities for B5G/6G computing based on new computing architectures for Base station including accelerators (e.g. FPGA’s) capable of supporting even the most demanding 5G/6G processes in cloud servers and white box base stations or routers.
  • Single stage – OPENING 23 November- DEADLINE 5 April 2022, 17:00 Brussels Time

        More on this Call here.


      Ultra-low-power, secure processors for edge computing

  • Research and Innovation Actions
  • Indicative budget: EUR 13.00 million
  • TRL 2-3 and achieve TRL 6 by the end of the project
  • Expected outcomes:
    • The work will contribute to i) a reinforced European leadership in connectivity, devices and service infrastructure, with European capabilities in shaping future connectivity standards, ii) a digital and green transitions towards low carbon footprint of connectivity platforms iii) enabling most demanding industrial use cases requiring very high grade of QoS and performances (real-time sub-millisecond latency and secure applications)
    • The research covers enabling technologies for the long term objective of i) ultra low energy networks and corresponding EU industrial capability for end-to-end all-optical communications with no electro-optical conversion ii) ultra high security over fibre nets (e.g quantum grade beyond today’s range limitation). Complementary protocol level work may be considered to alleviate IP limitations, making networks deterministic, drastically reducing energy needs whilst increasing performances in terms of security, control by applications of differentiated features, and implementability as “Network on a Chip”
  • Single stage – OPENING 23 November- DEADLINE 5 April 2022, 17:00 Brussels Time

More on this Call here.