AENEAS Newsletter

01 Jun 2020

Shaping Europe’s Digital Future

AENEAS has been collaborating with two sister-industry associations, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS for several years.  In 2019 the three associations have renewed their memorandum of understanding to extend their cooperation to support EUREKA alongside the ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the envisaged new European Partnership on Key Digital Technologies (KDT).

KDT remain at the forefront as the European Commission recently published a new industrial strategy including their support to the development of key enabling technologies. Furthermore, the Commission released its strategy for shaping Europe’s digital future.

Since December 2017, AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS have undertaken to support the future of the ECSEL JU programme. Key actions since September 2019 include:

  • AENEAS, together with 92 European associations, urged the EU Institutions to make RD&I a priority within the next Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-27 in a Joint Statement.
  • With its partners, AENEAS then responded to the public consultations on:

o the R&I partnership for key digital technology (KDT) (See the feedback),

o  the General Block Exemption Regulation (State aid) (See the feedback),

o the co-design of the first strategic plan of Horizon Europe (See the report),

o the co-design of the implementation of Horizon Europe (See the report) and

o the future of investment in Europe’s digital economy (See report)


  • The three Industry Associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS released at EFECS 2019 a Joint Statement, calling for a number of improvements to be achieved for an even stronger partnership on KDT (See Joint Statement).
  • Since September 2019, AENEAS has been deeply involved in the co-definition of the new proposal for the European Partnership for Key Digital Technologies under Horizon Europe, together with the European Commission, the Member States and Norway, shaping the landscape of collaborative RD&I for the period 2021-2027.

At the same time, the future of EUREKA Clusters is being rethought and revitalised in order to inspire and accelerate international collaborative innovation projects, aligned with national and industry priorities (See strategic priority 2 of the current NL Chair). PENTA, a EUREKA Cluster operated by AENEAS, is also advocating for the evolution of the Clusters while promoting EUREKA clusters as a valuable funding instrument for the ECS community.

Call Updates


o ECSEL JU Call Updates, Threshold set to zero  |   Get more information

Learn also about:

Revised PCA Model for ECSEL 2019 and previous Calls

New PCA model for ECSEL 2020 Calls


o Latest H2020 Calls Deadlines Updates  |   Get more information

Want to check out if the deadlines for calls have been extended?


o New EC Call coronavirus response  |   Get more information

Call launch in Medical technologies, Digital Tools and Artificial Intelligence analytics


o 2020 Euripides²/Penta Joint Call   |   Get more information

PENTA & EURIPIDES² were delighted to receive 16 project submissions, with a total project cost of €145m. Read more


o EUREKA Clusters AI Call submission by 15 June  |   Get more information

Learn about the thematic intercluster joint call for innovative projects in the AI domain.


Impact of Collaborative Innovation


o Learn about ECSEL JU Projects impact and successes with short articles and videos.

o Collaborative innovation is one of the most effective mechanisms for addressing and having an impact on the challenges we are currently facing as a society. You can learn more about how PENTA Projects DISPERSE, ULIMPIA and SERENE-IoT are having a powerful impact on society by watching these Penta short videos.


o Read about the impact of the completed CATRENE programme in the Final Report and the brochure with project result sheets on all 51 projects.


Opportunities for SMEs


o Alongside the announcement by the European Commission of a new industrial strategy a specific EU SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe was announced by Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market. Read more.


o In order to improve visibility and advertise for SMEs skills, AENEAS offers SME members an opportunity to be a part of the SME Directory, a living document which is regularly updated. See the latest online edition


Save the date

24 June 2020 ECSEL JU Symposium
24 – 26 November 2020 EFECS 2020
More events here