The 3 Industry Associations, AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS renew their memorandum of understanding signed in 2018 to extend their cooperation to support EUREKA alongside the ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the envisaged new European Partnership on Key Digital Technologies.
Through their industry-driven representation of actors in Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I), the 3 Industry Associations play a prominent and active role in supporting the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS)community in their RD&I activities and shaping programmes for collaborative RD&I. They define a common vision, mission and strategy for the ECS industry and release a common Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for the ECS domain, guiding RD&I projects throughout the ECS ecosystem. They are the three private members of the ECSEL Joint Undertaking, a tri-partite Public-Private Partnership with the European Union (represented by the European Commission) and 30ECSEL Participating States.
This MoU aims at reinforcing the already existing cooperation between the Parties and stimulating joint activities by entering into a more visible cooperation with the following key objectives:
- Strengthening the European ECS ecosystem, in particular by facilitating collaboration between SMEs, large companies, universities and research institutes;
- Increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the participation of the ECS community in ECSEL as the key funding instrument for collaborative RD&I in the ECS domain;
- Helping to pave the way for the continuation of ECSEL beyond 2020 as the institutionalised European Partnership on key digital technologies in Horizon Europe.
This MoU has been signed by the Jean-Marc Chéry, AENEAS President, Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni, ARTEMIS-IA President and Stefan Finkbeiner, EPoSS Chairman.
To read the full document, please click here.