AENEAS SME members Directory

29 Oct 2019

AENEAS SME members present their activities and expertise to the Electronics Components and Systems community.

SMEs are an essential part of our innovation ecosystem. They bring new ideas and an entrepreneurial approach to the industrial community. They are the bedrock of the economy. By participating in collaborative projects in partnership with Large Enterprises, Research Institutes and Universities, they provide specifi c knowledge and contribute to deliver very innovative and competitive solutions to the market. Together with their partners, they create economic and societal impact well beyond the boundaries of the project.

AENEAS offers a variety of services helping its members to benefit from a dynamic RD&I ecosystem and plays a pivotal role in stimulating a higher involvement of SMEs in collaborative projects. By organizing events and consortium building sessions, AENEAS provides its members with large networking opportunities.

By working closely with the European Commission and the Members States, AENEAS helps to shape the future funding instruments, based on the ECS Strategic Research Agenda prepared by Industry. In the two programmes in which AENEAS is currently involved, the tripartite ECSEL Joint Undertaking under H2020 and the EUREKA PENTA Cluster, AENEAS supports its members, and particularly SMEs, to participate and increase their footprint, in projects well adapted to their needs. In order to improve visibility and advertise for SMEs skills, AENEAS is editing this directory.

All SMEs which are members of AENEAS can be part of it, it is a living document which will be regularly updated online on the AENEAS website.

To know more about AENEAS SME Members, please click on the following link: here